Jonathan Pryce:
vegtrk (1980) - Breaking Glass
Murder Is Easy (1982)
A doktor s az rdgk (1985) - The Doctor and the Devils
Brazil (1985) - Brazil
Nszjszaka ksrtetekkel (1986) - Haunted Honeymoon
Mnchausen br kalandjai (1989) - Adventures of Baron Muchausen
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) - Glengarry Glen Ross
Barbarians at the Gate (1993)
Halli fles (1993) - Deadly Advice
A rtatlansg kora (1993) - The Age of Innocence
A Troll in Central Park (1994)
Csalka (1994) - A Business Affair
Carrington - A festn szerelmei (1995) - Carrington
Evita (1996) - Evita
James Bond: A holnap markban (1997) - Tomorrow Never Dies
A fronton tl (1997) - Regerenation
Dvid (1997) - David
Ronin (1998) - Ronin
Il Gioco (1999)
Stigmata (1999) - Stigmata
The Testimony of Tailesin Jones (2000)
zig-vrig Annie Mary (2000) - Very Annie Mary
Bride of the Wind (2001)
A kirlyn nyakke (2001) - The Affair of the Neckolace
Felttlen szeretet (2001) - Unconditional Love
Egy csf mostohatestvr vallomsai (2001) - Confessinos of an Ugly Stepsister
Mirl lmodik a lny? (2003) - What a Girl Wants
A Karib-tenger kalzai - A Fekete Gyngy tka (2003) - Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl
De-Lovely - Ragyog vek (2004) - De-Lovely
Grimm (2005) - The Brothers Grimm
A Karib-tenger kalzai - Holtak kincse (2006) - Piartes of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest
A Karib-tenger kalzai (2007) - Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End |