Jack Davenport:
Amg mg lnk (1996) - This Life
Ilyen az let (1996)
jjeli lepke (1997) - The Mounth
Mmia mese (1998) - Tale of the Mummy
Krokodilok blcsessge (1998) - The Wisdom of Crocodiles
A tehetsges Mr. Ripley (1999) - The Talanted Mr. Ripley
The Wyvern Mystery (2000)
Pran prban (2000) - Coupling
Cignylny (2001) - Gypsy Woman
A Karib-tenger kalzai - A Fekete Gyngy tka (2003) - Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Balck Pearl
Holttest a knyvtrszobban (2004) - Mrple: The Body in the Libary
Mary Bryant (2005) - Mary Bryant
lagzi-randi (2005) - The Wedding Date
A Karib-tenger kalzai - Holtak kincse (2006) - Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest
A Karib-tenger kalzai (2007) - Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End |